
How are your Candidates Treated by your Search Firm Partners?

by Simon Parkin

Recently I facilitated a session on « Recruitment Trends and Best Practices » for a large group of senior Recruitment and HR leaders from a large global technology company at their annual HR Leadership offsite in Chicago. This organization is one of the better ones I have worked with in terms of their focus and investment in talent. They understand that the acquisition, development and engagement of talent is the number one priority for their HR team. Their partners in the business look to them as experts in talent. They don’t care about the traditional recruitment metrics so many companies get too focused on such as « cost per hire » and « time to fill ». They see the acquisition and development of talent as an investment for their business and not as a cost. Anyone who has worked with me knows that I share a very similar view when it comes to talent so working with this client over the past few months has been a great experience for everyone involved. Continue reading

Being a recruiter rocks!

by Greg Savage

love being a recruiter.

Seriously, I think it’s the best job in the world.Yet 80% of people who enter this industry, fail in the first 2 years, leave, and are never sighted again.And it’s true, it is tough being a recruiter. And I believe in the modern era it’s getting even harder. During the downturn it got even worse. We all worked harder and harder, and earned less and less.On top of that, our customers seem to resent us more than ever.

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