Pearl Jam

Music Loop – Week 44

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Cold Specks - Winter Solstice Leslie Clio - Told You So Timid Tiger - Electric Island Video Keedz - Stand on the word One Day / Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Remix) Everclear - AM Radio Official Music Video Pearl Jam - Baba O' Riley


I don't need to fight To prove I'm right


Pearl Jam - Baba O' Riley
« Baba O’Riley » is a song written by Pete Townshend for the English rock band The Who. Roger Daltrey sings most of the song, with Pete Townshend singing the middle eight: « Don’t cry/don’t raise your eye/it’s only teenage wasteland ». The title of the song is derived from the combination of the song’s philosophical and musical influences, Meher Baba and Terry Riley.