
Music Loop – Week 44

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Cold Specks - Winter Solstice Leslie Clio - Told You So Timid Tiger - Electric Island Video Keedz - Stand on the word One Day / Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Remix) Everclear - AM Radio Official Music Video Pearl Jam - Baba O' Riley


I don't need to fight To prove I'm right


Pearl Jam - Baba O' Riley
« Baba O’Riley » is a song written by Pete Townshend for the English rock band The Who. Roger Daltrey sings most of the song, with Pete Townshend singing the middle eight: « Don’t cry/don’t raise your eye/it’s only teenage wasteland ». The title of the song is derived from the combination of the song’s philosophical and musical influences, Meher Baba and Terry Riley.

Little me and little you


One Day / Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Remix)
Asaf Avidan (Hebrew: אסף אבידן‎) (born March 23, 1980) is an Israeli singer-songwriter and musician, best known for his voice, often compared to Janis Joplin and Robert Plant. He is also the creative force and front-man of folk/rock band Asaf Avidan & the Mojos.