
Transferable Skills – Bringing Your Skills to a New Career


You’ve had enough of your current job. As a matter of fact, you’ve had enough of your current career. It’s time for a change. But what about all that valuable experience you’ve been stockpiling while toiling away at your job and the jobs that came before it? Do you really have to throw it all away and start from scratch? No you don’t. That’s where transferable skills come in. Continue reading

8 Skills Recruiters Should Have

By Morgan Hoogvelt

When I attend career fairs, hiring conferences, recruiting events, or through conversations with prospective candidates, I keep learning that the wrong people are attending these events and working as recruiters. As I walked the room at a recent career fair, prior to the event starting, I sought to introduce myself to some of the other company representatives. I was surprised that many of them were unable to communicate at a level that would properly represent their company. Continue reading

Emploi et réseaux sociaux, de vrais faux amis ?

Par Olivier de Conihout

LE CERCLE. (par Olivier de Conihout) – Gardez-moi de mes amis, mes ennemis, je m’en charge… La maxime s’applique aux réseaux sociaux. Engagement politique, prises de position marquées et blagues de potaches peuvent vous coûter un entretien d’embauche.

Faites, le test ! Tapez juste votre nom dans le moteur de recherche Google, et regardez attentivement ce qui remonte. Alors, bonnes ou mauvaises surprises ? Avez-vous trouvé votre CV détaillé, votre soutien à un ou une candidate aux élections présidentielles ou plutôt une photo de vous en short pendant vos dernières vacances ? Continue reading