
Evaluate Your Candidate Experience

by Morgan Hoogvelt

This week, I had the pleasure of receiving some feedback from two candidates who recently completed the hiring process, each with a different end result with our organization. As talent acquisition professionals, the majority of us strive to ensure that proper recruiting processes and procedures are in place, and at the same time we wonder if the candidate is truly having the experience we initially envisioned and created.

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Pourquoi les employeurs ont-ils si peur de rendre leurs collaborateurs heureux?

Par Frank van Massenhove

Frank van Massenhove

Searchin for light in the darkness of insanity

I ask myself is all hope lost,
Is there only pain and hatred, and misery,
And each time I feel like this inside,
There’s one thing I wanna know:
What’s so funny ’bout peace love & understanding?

Brinsley Scharz, New Favourites of Brinsley Scharz, 1974

Je le fais systématiquement à chaque présentation: je demande à toutes les personnes de l’assemblée de se remémorer une période où elles étaient particulièrement satisfaites de leur emploi. Je demande ensuite à ceux qui étaient moins productifs de lever la main. Quasiment aucun bras levé. Par contre, de nombreuses mains se lèvent lorsqu’on demande qui était plus productif.

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Being a recruiter rocks!

by Greg Savage

love being a recruiter.

Seriously, I think it’s the best job in the world.Yet 80% of people who enter this industry, fail in the first 2 years, leave, and are never sighted again.And it’s true, it is tough being a recruiter. And I believe in the modern era it’s getting even harder. During the downturn it got even worse. We all worked harder and harder, and earned less and less.On top of that, our customers seem to resent us more than ever.

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