
Saying Thank You is Good Business

By Josh Bersin

We just completed a year-long research study on the impact of employee recognition. It turns out that “high-recognition culture” companies dramatically outperform their peers in a whole range of business outcomes. These top companies generate 12X greater business outcomes in a variety of measures and have more than 30% lower voluntary turnover.

The employee recognition industry is an old market, focused heavily on rewarding employees for tenure and service. Such programs, while prevalent in more than 70% of companies, drive little actual business value. (How many of you stayed an extra five years at your company to get a pin?)

What these high-performing companies do is different.

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Messagerie électronique des salariés : une jurisprudence favorable aux employeurs

Par  (Avocat Associé, cabinet ACBM Avocats – articles :

La consultation de la messagerie du salarié par l’employeur est l’objet d’âpres contentieux: l’employeur n’a-t-il pas l’avantage ?

La connexion à Internet et l’utilisation d’une messagerie électronique sont souvent indispensables dans le cadre de l’activité professionnelle d’un salarié. L’utilisation de ces outils informatiques à des fins privées est bien souvent tentant et cet usage est généralement toléré par les entreprises tant qu’il ne nuit pas à l’entreprise et/ou n’impute pas sur le travail du salarié.

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Marketing Lessons for Hiring Managers from the Presidential Campaigns

By Sajjad Massud

Who knows marketing better than those who ran the presidential campaigns? During election season, it was hard to miss the candidates everywhere you went. When one wrong move can cost you the election, effective marketing becomes extremely important.

Effective marketing strategies are no less important for companies looking to hire the best people, even if the whole country is not watching your every move. To find uncommon solutions to your biggest enterprise problems, you need to find and hire the best talent. This is no easy feat, since only 17 percent of hiring managers say job seekers have skills and traits relevant to their company. Employers continue to struggle to find candidates with the right skill set and reach qualified prospects, even though unemployment remains high.

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Stop Killing My Passive Candidate!

by Jeff Battinus (

My philosophy is that the best candidate is the one who is not, and does not need to look for a position. I am finding that in the past 12 months, there are fewer and fewer candidates who are not in the market for a position. People are more willing to speak with a recruiter, there are fewer objections I need to overcome, and it has been easier to reach people. I am sure I am not alone, and that these previously “passive candidates” are also speaking to the other recruiters reaching out to them. The data supports this; the recent Careerbuilder 2012 Candidate Behavior Guide showed that 74% of currently employed individuals are looking for a position in one form or another.

There are a few reasons for this: Continue reading