HR News

We know what you’re doing

Par Protéger Son Image

We know what you’re doing… and we think you should stop. En effet, de bien trop nombreux statuts Facebook sont encore publics, et révèlent des informations qui devraient parfois rester privées. Ce n’est pas le cas aujourd’hui, et un site internet publie désormais toutes ces informations, afin que les internautes prennent enfin conscience des enjeux de la vie privée numérique. Continue reading

You Can’t Fake Company Culture to Candidates

by Jim Roddy (

Bob Dukiet, my hard-driving college basketball coach, would frequently (and loudly) explain why we needed to give a genuine, 100% effort at all times. “You might be able to get away with faking it here in practice,” he’d holler. “But in a game, the other guy will smell you out!” In kinder words, unprepared players and inferior teams get exposed quickly. Continue reading

Recruiting Game Changers

by Will Thomson (

Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and the Bulls have won six world championships. Michael Phelps has been awarded more gold medals than any other Olympic athlete in the history of the Olympics. George Strait has more #1 singles than any other musical artist. All of these people have similar characteristics. The question is what are they? What does it take to be the best in your profession?  Continue reading