HR News

An Overlooked Ingredient: Discovering Corporate Culture Before Accepting the Job

By Joshua Bjerke (

A job interview may be about the employer and what that company wants, but that doesn’t mean you, as an interviewee, can’t do some probing of your own in order to make the best decision when choosing among job offers. No matter how attractive a position may appear on paper, if your values and personality don’t mesh with thecorporate culture, you’ll either go for years working in a job that makes you miserable or lose more time, effort, and money jumping immediately back into the job market after a hasty exit. If you’ve ever quit a job, there were probably very good reasons to justify the act: a clash in values or attitudes, too competitive, or simply too unrelated to your career goals.

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HR Bashing, mon DRH est nul…

Par François Geuze (

LE CERCLE. Les DRH sont des nuls, ils ne servent à rien, n’ont jamais eu la moindre valeur ajoutée, ils sont égoïstes, renfermés sur eux-mêmes, incapables d’humanité, ne comprennent rien aux relations sociales et aux problèmes de l’emploi, sont responsables des discriminations à l’encontre des minorités visibles et invisibles, sont procéduriers et n’apportent que des problèmes et jamais de solution…

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