Become your own headhunter and find a job which fits your skills and expectations. The effective online recruitment tool we put in place allows you to attract the best employers in a totally confidential way. But finding a job is one aspect of managing your career. We found an interesting article written by Jenna Gourdreau for the Financial Post Blog about new workplace rules you need to master inspired by Dan Schawbels’ Bestseller “Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success”.
Schawbel says millennials need to master a new set of rules that aren’t taught in school. Advances in technology, the rise of social media, and 24/7 connectivity mean young people have to promote themselves and take ownership of their careers in ways that previous generations wouldn’t or couldn’t have imagined.
The following is a summary of the 14 new workplace rules developed by Jenna Gourdreau:
- Your job description is just the beginning
- Your job is temporary
- You’re going to need a lot of skills you probably don’t have right now
- Your reputation is the single greatest asset you have
- Your personal life is now public
- You need to build a positive presence in new media
- You’ll need to work with people from different generations
- Your boss’s career comes first
- The one with the most connections wins
- Remember the rule of one
- You are the future
- Entrepreneurship is for everyone, not just business owners
- Hours are out, accomplishments are in
- Your career is in your hands, not your employer’s
Read the full article “14 new workplace rules millennials need to master”.
More information about the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success”