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Music Loop – Week 17

[youtube_sc url=”fXIV9CGSHC8″ playlist=”6afD1gg5ptw,mCHzicKq3W4,A6APxbBYnoo,1H5loYi6wVc,gKF8HwdYmYo,v_9VRRfgzL4″ autohide=”1″ loop=”1″ iv_load_policy=”3″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”0″ showsearch=”0″]

I am in Love by Audio Bullys  Marco Z: I'm A Bird  L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. by Noah and the Whale  Gives you hell by The All-American Rejects  Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner - "Sky And Sand"  Another day by Jamie Lidell  Mao Boy by Indochine

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