Strategic planning

The ideal global HR Manager in 2020: Do you like her?

By HRevolution

· That 75 % is female and females make up a total of 46.3% of the total workforce; by 2020 it will be 3 to 1 ratio female to male total workforce;

· Her title is HR Director or HR Manager normally; will probably stay the same

· She normally reports to the President/CEO directly; this will remain the case in 2020;

· She has an influential seat in the inner circle of strategic planning within the organization; will have a stronger role in 2020

· She wears multiple hats which consist of only HR related duties 45% of the time; ethics/compliance issues 34%; and internal communications and other duties after that; by 2012 she will have a project team working on these items.

· She does outsource some functions such as Backgrounds and Reference Checks 34% of the time; Payroll 24%; but she will also keep these things in house; in 2020 it’s automated, information is instantly available, may have a hiring team that works on this.

· She may have a department of 2 to 75 people she is in charge of; she may have that many team projects at the same time, globally

· She may or may not currently have a degree in HR most likely she will not have a degree at all; OJT Degree; this is changing

· She uses web sites 91% of the time to stay current in her job; seminars are second; audio conferences are third; and webcasts seem to be climbing in popularity; in 2020 it will be waiting on her because her “bot” has found the information for her.

· She posts 75% + of her job positions online; in 2020 she will have pools of dedicated teams and networks that she can throw projects too.

· She finds the best information about the applicant from the in person interviews 71% of the time; application 9%; references 7%; resume 5%; Background Checks 5%; Information will flow faster; interviewing will remain the same or higher

· It takes her about one to four weeks to normally fill a position; this should not be an issue in 2020 as she is global.