
Music Loop – Week 51

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The Robbie Boyd Band - When I Believe on ZiDcard NABIHA - Never Played The Bass on ZiDCard Selah Sue - Crazy Vibes MTHDS - "Positive Movement" on ZiDCard Gramophonedzie - Why Don't You? on zidcard Placebo - The Bitter End on zidcard Blur Girls & Boys on zidcard

The Bitter End


Placebo - The Bitter End on zidcard
The Bitter End” is a single by British alternative rock band Placebo from their fourth studio album, Sleeping with Ghosts, released in 2003. The song is based around the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. There are several references to it throughout the song, one of the most noticeable being the reference to the 2nd of May – the date on which the two main characters, Winston and Julia, first spend the night together. It was featured on the soundtrack of “Radio Big” in the 2003 video game game SSX 3. It was also released as downloadable content for Guitar Hero World Tour. In 2010, Utada covered the song on her first US Tour, Utada: In the Flesh 2010.