
The Best Recruiter I Ever Had (Didn't Help Me Get A Job)

by Jason Alba (

In my job search, six years ago, I thought I knew what recruiters were for: to get me a job.

I thought it was your job to take my resume and find that perfect fit for me.  I found 30 local recruiters and shared my resume with them, sure they would be wowed, impressed, and fall all over themselves to place me so they could get a fat commission.

Sound familiar?   Continue reading

How to Ask Why You Didn't Get The Job

By Suzanne Lucas (

Dear Evil HR Lady,
Is it considered poor taste to call an interviewer to ask why you weren’t selected for a job?
That depends entirely on how you do it.

Here’s an example of an “in poor taste” call:

Candidate: Could you tell me why you didn’t hire me? Because I’m awesome, and I can’t figure out why you guys were so stupid as to not hire me. I mean, do you like a mediocre work force? Because that can be the only reason why you didn’t hire me.

Continue reading

Don’t Bluff a Recruiter!

By Josh Hale

Believe it or not, there are a lot of parallels between being a successful poker player and a successful recruiter. I should know. In addition to being a third-party recruiter for almost 10 years, I have played poker with some degree of seriousness since college. Recently, I won one of the World Poker Tour’s marquee events, the Legends of Poker, at the Bicycle Casino, besting a field of mostly professional poker players. Continue reading

What New College Grads Look For

By Maren Hogan (

While we’d all like to think we have a good handle on what’s happening in the job market, for many of us, it’s been quite some time since our college graduation – and what eventful years they have been! Even for entry level professionals, the last 3-5 years have seen many changes for college grads, most of them described by the media as “bleak”. Continue reading