HR News

5 Vital Steps in the Recruitment of a Board Member


As a corporate recruiter your ability to recruit the top talent is pivotal to your future career success. And the tasks don’t come much tougher than recruitment of a new Board member.  Do a good job and you have an ally in the Company, your boss loves you for a day or two, and the President finally knows your name. It’s not a traditional recruitment process, and the stakes are higher.

Get it wrong? Well the consequences of bringing in the wrong person can ultimately lead to plummeting share values or misdirection of the entire company.  No pressure though… Continue reading

The risk of inappropriate use of social media: fair dismissal for inappropriate comments made on Facebook



The risks of inappropriate use of social media. An employment tribunal has held that an employee was fairly dismissed for gross misconduct after she made inappropriate comments on Facebook about two of her customers, who had verbally abused and threatened her.

The law

Unfair dismissal

Under English law, employees have the right not to be unfairly dismissed. It is for the employer to establish that the reason for dismissal is a potentially fair reason. An employer must also follow a fair procedure for a dismissal to be fair. To establish fairness in a conduct dismissal case, an employer must be able to establish that, at the time of dismissal:

The cost of bad recruitment

By Lisa Spiden 

When workers are not a good fit for the job, the cost to a business can be significant. Productivity may decline for a number of reasons and the impact in some cases may be long term. Here are just some of the ways that poor recruitment practices might impact a business financially:

  • Managers may have to spend more time supervising the new employee.
  • An employee with limited role-specific capabilities may take more time to become productive, and need extra training to build up their skills.
  • The performance of other workers within the team or department may be affected in the meantime.
  • Errors or delays may lead to client dissatisfaction.
  • Employee morale may be impacted.
  • Salary costs often represent a significant percentage of business overheads, so poor recruitment practices have the potential to make a big impact on profitability. Continue reading

Recruter en temps de crise : attention danger


Les DHR sont particulièrement préoccupés, en ce début d’année, par le recrutement de cadres dans ce contexte de tensions.  La crise impose de bien réfléchir avant de recruter, mais également, une fois la décision prise, qu’elle soit la bonne.  Une erreur de recrutement n’est en effet pas sans conséquences.  Car définir le poste, passer les annonces, les entretiens, former, intégrer, licencier éventuellement et relancer le recrutement, tout cela a un coût qui peut aller de six mois à un an de salaire.  Sans parler des conséquences non financières : dégradation du service, perte de contrats, altération de l’image vis-à-vis de la clientèle.  En interne, de plus, les conséquences sont notables : réorganisation forcée, charge de travail accrue en attendant le remplaçant…

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