HR News

De l'importance de se constituer un réseau pour trouver un travail


Adapté au public français par Jacques Froissant, “Guérilla Marketing pour trouver un emploi” est la botte secrète de toute personne qui cherche un travail. Il y puisera des conseils précieux pour se démarquer en présentant ses compétences de façon originale, créative et remarquable, que ce soit sur le CV, la lettre de motivation, les réseaux sociaux, ou en entretien d’embauche. Continue reading

Employment and inclusion of young people in times of crisis

By Simone Heinecke

The Danish EU Presidency wishes to draw special attention to the severe challenges, which young Europeans are currently facing. The matter will be addressed at the Informal meeting of Ministers for Employment and Social Policy on the 24 and 25 April and at the Conference on ’Youth: Employment and Inclusion in times of crisis’ on the 26 and 27 April in Horsens. Continue reading

Une simulation d’entretien d’embauche face à des avatars en 3D

Une simulation d’entretien d’embauche face à des avatars en 3D


S’entraîner aux entretiens d’embauche dans un simulateur ? On pourrait croire que cela relève d’un roman de science-fiction façon Philip K. Dick, prolifique auteur en la matière. Il n’en est rien. Le Centre de Réalité Virtuelle et la société Athalia, situés tous deux à Clermont-Ferrand, viennent de mettre au point un simulateur d’embauche. But : diminuer les coûts humains, apprendre la gestion du stress et se préparer à de futurs entretiens d’embauche. La nous explique son fonctionnement. Continue reading

The ideal global HR Manager in 2020: Do you like her?

By HRevolution

· That 75 % is female and females make up a total of 46.3% of the total workforce; by 2020 it will be 3 to 1 ratio female to male total workforce;

· Her title is HR Director or HR Manager normally; will probably stay the same

· She normally reports to the President/CEO directly; this will remain the case in 2020;

· She has an influential seat in the inner circle of strategic planning within the organization; will have a stronger role in 2020

· She wears multiple hats which consist of only HR related duties 45% of the time; ethics/compliance issues 34%; and internal communications and other duties after that; by 2012 she will have a project team working on these items.

· She does outsource some functions such as Backgrounds and Reference Checks 34% of the time; Payroll 24%; but she will also keep these things in house; in 2020 it’s automated, information is instantly available, may have a hiring team that works on this.

· She may have a department of 2 to 75 people she is in charge of; she may have that many team projects at the same time, globally

· She may or may not currently have a degree in HR most likely she will not have a degree at all; OJT Degree; this is changing

· She uses web sites 91% of the time to stay current in her job; seminars are second; audio conferences are third; and webcasts seem to be climbing in popularity; in 2020 it will be waiting on her because her “bot” has found the information for her.

· She posts 75% + of her job positions online; in 2020 she will have pools of dedicated teams and networks that she can throw projects too.

· She finds the best information about the applicant from the in person interviews 71% of the time; application 9%; references 7%; resume 5%; Background Checks 5%; Information will flow faster; interviewing will remain the same or higher

· It takes her about one to four weeks to normally fill a position; this should not be an issue in 2020 as she is global.