HR News

Resumes aren’t Dead. But they will be.


paisley skulls

I was intrigued by a recent press release which concerned the ‘Resume-less’ hiring practices of IGN Entertainment, the world’s leading video game company. They created the Code-Foo challenge which was a ‘no resumes allowed’ recruitment program which they were using to find exceptional coding talent, irrespective of education, degree or experience. How did it work? Interested parties had to ‘submit a statement of passion for IGN’ and answer 4 coding based challenge question. Last year they had 75,000 people view the ‘resume-less’ application form, 104 completed it, 30 participated and 8 people were took on. They are repeating the process this year, which implies it was a success.

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Plus vrais que nature, petit florilège de « faux » CV vidéos. (Et heureusement !)

Si certains CV –  très souvent il faut l’avouer sous forme de CV vidéos – se trouvent être pour leurs auteurs et leur candidature une boîte de pandore qu’ils n’auraient jamais dus ouvrir, les menant vers des statuts de « pire CV du monde » et devenant la risée du net pour quelques jours ou des années, chaque CV vidéo « raté » est source de leçons et de conseils sur ce qu’il ne faut pas faire. Continue reading

Dealing with Your Incompetent Boss

by Amy Gallo

Everyone complains about his or her boss from time to time. In fact, some consider it a national workplace pastime. But there’s a difference between everyday griping and stressful frustration, just as there is a clear distinction between a manager with a few flaws and one who is incompetent. Dealing with the latter can be anguishing and taxing. But with the right mindset and a few practical tools, you can not only survive but flourish. Continue reading