HR News

Where to Spend in 2013?

By Jason Averbook

It is that time of year again when the common questions people ask us at Knowledge Infusion is to help them create a business case; which far too often is a HR case, as to where they should budget and focus their efforts around resourcing and spend for the following year.  Each year, this question is answered based on the organizations corporate and HR strategy and how to best align to those strategies when it comes to Workforce Technology, but as we move into 2013, there are three key areas that I would say must be on the minds of all looking at their spend in 2013 and beyond. Continue reading

Psychologie: les trois types de personnes qui font obstacle à l'innovation


Innover, prendre des risques, plonger dans l’inconnu, accepter de se transformer, c’est difficile pour toute organisation. C’est même impossible si l’équipe n’est pas soudée autour de son objectif. C’est ce qu’expliquent deux grands spécialistes du management d’entreprise G. Michael Maddock et Raphael Louis Vitón dans la rubrique Innovation Engine (le moteur de l’innovation) réalisée en commun par le magazine Businessweek et l’agence Bloomberg. Ils décrivent les trois types de profils psychologiques qui sont des obstacles à l’innovation et dont il faut absolument se séparer pour avancer. Continue reading

5 Ways You Are Killing Your Business When Recruiting (Social Professionals)


I’m sure not everyone is guilty of these hiring faux pas in the social media era, but I’ve seen it enough in the past 4 years of interviewing and pitching for social media positions and clients that I know many business owners are hurting their business in the process of recruiting. Whether you are hiring someone to work as your employee, an unpaid intern or you have a professional recruiter finding your new social media community manager or contract agency, the old fashioned rules of social etiquette apply, even more so when you’re hiring social media professionals who know more about digital marketing and socializing technology than you do. Continue reading

Why HR Still Isn't a Strategic Partner

by J. Craig Mundy

For two decades we have been hearing that HR must become a strategic partner to the business. And the fact that we’re still hearing it suggests that in many organizations it hasn’t happened.

The need to align HR with the business has become more urgent than ever. Financial markets exert relentless pressure for growth, especially in emerging markets. Customers demand more and better service at lower cost. And cost-efficiency, resource conservation and regulatory compliance have become issues for almost every organization. Turnover among top talent is expected to increase in 2012; globalization is requiring stronger regional HR capabilities; and demographic shifts across the world are dramatically affecting availability of qualified people.

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[Infographie ] E-reputation et Emploi

La réputation est l’opinion (plus techniquement, l’évaluation sociale) du public envers une personne, un groupe, ou une organisation. La réputation est un facteur important dans de nombreux domaines, tels que l’éducation, le commerce, le réseautage social ou le statut social. (wikipedia)


L’e-reputation et l’explosion des communicants amène aussi un danger le conformisme qui est d’origine sociale et neuronale. Le conseil que nous vous donnons quand vous naviguez sur le web est simplement d’être poli car cela fait du bien à chacun, mais n’oubliez pas non plus cette citation de W. Churchill :

“Tout le monde savait que c’était impossible à faire. Puis un jour quelqu’un est arrivé qui ne le savait pas, et il l’a fait.” Continue reading