Author: Redaction e-thicHR

Les entreprises veulent reprendre la main sur leur e-réputation

La réponse vidéo de Next Media Animation « We are hiring » à la démission vidéo « I quit » de Marina Shifrin, la réponse maladroite sur Twitter d’Easyjet suite au refus d’embarquement de Mark Leiser, qui avait exprimé son agacement sur les retards de la compagnie aérienne sur Twitter, et le patron des pâtes Barilla qui présente ses excuses sur Twitter après les indignations sur Facebook et Twitter en réaction à ses propos homophobes – les dernières semaines sont révélatrices de l’intérêt que les entreprises portent sur leur e-réputation.
Avec l’émergence des réseaux sociaux, gérer et soigner son e-réputation est devenu vital pour les sociétés. Si elles sont rares, certaines polémiques en ligne peuvent cependant affecter durablement la réputation d’une marque.

Trouvez l’analyse pertinente de Mathilde Damgé du « Comment les entreprises essaient de reprendre la main sur les réseaux sociaux »


Sometimes words just aren't enough to quit a job or to hire

On Saturday, writer Marina Shifrin uploaded an epic video onto YouTube with one simple message for her boss Next Media Animation: she quits. Yesterday, employees at this Taiwanese animation company uploaded a video response to YouTube “We’re hiring”. They perform their own “interpretive dance” to Kanye West’s “Gone” and wish Shifrin well.

In her video Shifrin dances around her office at odd hours of the night while describing exactly why she needs to leave her job. In a Skype chat with The Huffington Post, Shifrin wrote that the Taiwanese work environment is very different from the American work environment. She got no lunch break and her boss was constantly changing her schedule and responsibilities. After her managers failed to help her, she decided to make the video. « I understood that it was a risk, but I never named the company or my boss and I mean, have you seen my dancing? How can anyone take that seriously, » she said. Shifrin said her first move is to come back to The United States. After that, she plans on looking for jobs at companies that value creativity and their employees.

Until now the former employer attracted nearly 350 000 views still compared to nearly 8 100 000 views for Shifrin video. But what does it mean? ThinkMarketingMagazine writes “Even if it seems the We Are Hiring video is far behind the Resignation video, I still find it great maneuver from Next Media Animation guys manage to find an idea to inject the company name into the story take the digital buzz around Marina’s viral video to the next level and grab the media attention ! “

What do you think about it?

Look at the video “I Quit”

Look at the video “We’re hiring”


The person who will always care most about your career is you!

The biggest mistake you can make in your work life is leave your career to your employer, or anyone else. You have to work at your career goal, plan it, and drive it where you want it to go. You don’t outsource your career! In the just published blog article « YOU own your career. No one else », Greg Savag focus on this point. « No one is going to serve you a career on a silver platter. Your career will be what you make it. No more, no less. », he says. Read the full article

ZiDCard offers an effective way to manage your career, and this in a total confidential way. By registering for free and set up a complete profile you will be your own headhunter and increase your chances to let new opportunities come to you – even in difficult times. It is a precious tool to boost your career. Have a look and sign up!


Pourquoi la confiance peut faire le bonheur des entreprises?

Retrouvez les présentations des intervenants du HappyLunch© #3 qui a eu lieu lors du salon Talentum à Liège le 17 septembre, un événement organisé conjointement
par BEHappyDay, Références, Jobsrégion et Peoplesphère. Plus de 100 participants ont participé au débat « Le bonheur au travail: utopie ou réalité? ».

Trouvez ici plus d’informations sur les Happy Organisations dont ZiDCard fait également partie depuis mars 2013.

Why CEOs still don't invest in Social Media?

According to latest study of and business software company Domo, only 32% of top CEOs have at least one account on a social network. Some 68% have no social presence at all.

But not only CEOs are struggling to invest in Social Media, also CMOs do. Damien Cummings  believes there are 4 reasons

  • CEOs don’t trust CMOs
  • Marketers rely too much on their agency partners to spend their money
  • True consumer digital usage is on platforms and devices, not in media
  • CMOs don’t understand the value and ROI of social media

Read the article « 4 reasons why CEOs still don’t invest in digital marketing » on the Firebrand blog and discover which CEOs are more social on the Infographic published on Visible Banking.